tisdag 14 maj 2013

Hello Directioners and Beliebers!
What's up?
I don't have mutch to write..
and all pictures is gone one my computer so but i will blog tomorrow so i will try to update all day long! :)
bye! that's all i have to say! BYE DIRECTIONERS AND BELIEBERS SEE YOU LATER!
//You know.. Directioner and belieber! <3

You can comment, follow this blog and more stuff if you like One Direction and Justin Drew Bieber! <3
I really love when people is comment on all my blogs and other stuff so please can i get some comments? :)
Love you all! bye!
//Justin Drew Bieber/ Harry Edward Styles/ Niall James Horan/ Liam James Payne/ Zayn Jawaad Malik/ Louis William Tomlinson!

I am really happy that people is actually reading my blog..
And i just want to say.. i'm from sweden but i want all Directioners/Beliebers to know what i'm writing so if you see that i have like write ''red'' insted of ''read'' or something, it's because i'm not good at english.

Oh my god! i'm so so so sorry! i forgot to blog..
omg! anyway.. i'm back!
And i have some awesome sexy pictures !


don't own the video but anyway, Harry Styles is saying ''VI ÄLSKAR KÖTTBULLAR'' at the time 0:50  .

See you guys later!
Bye! :)